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Roses of Special Merit Scheme
We rated with ICRA

Roses of Special Merit

 Roses for Pillars, Arches, Walls and Fences

Recommended Roses

Roses of Special Merit The garden is now seen as a natural extension of the living area. It has changed from the formal setting for a dwelling house to become another 'room' in which we eat, rest and play. The 'walls' of our outside 'room' can be clothed by climbers, with colours chosen to fit our decorative tastes.

New vistas can be created in the garden, or unsightly areas can be screened by using wooden, or other frames, pillars or arches. Uninteresting expanses of wall can be disguised with a cover of roses, which can bloom from late spring to the onset of winter frosts. There are many wonderful modern climbers to grace any garden. Many of them can be interplanted with other forms of climbing plants, such as Clematis, for an even better display.

'Agatha Christie' (Kormeita) Large-flowered Climber; clear pink, light fragrance (S)
'Bantry Bay' Cluster-flowered Climber; pink, some fragrance (M)
'Climbing Arthur Bell' Cluster-flowered Climber; golden yellow, very fragrant (M)
'Compassion' Large-flowered Climber; pink, shaded apricot, very fragrant (M)
'Dortmund' Cluster-flowered Climber; red, white eye, some fragrance (M)
'Dublin Bay' (Macdub) Large-flowered Climber; deep red, some fragrance (S)
'Golden Showers' Large-flowered Climber; golden yellow, fragrant (M)
'Good as Gold' (Chewsunbeam) Miniature Climber; golden yellow, some fragrance (VS)
'Graham Thomas' (Ausmas) Large-flowered Shrub; deep yellow, fragrant (S)
'Highfield' (Harcomp) Large-flowered Climber; pale yellow, fragrant (M)
'High Hopes' (Haryup) Large-flowered Climber; pale pink, fragrant (M)
'Lavinia' (Tanklewi) Large-flowered Climber; pink, fragrant (M)
'Leaping Salmon' (Peamight) Large-flowered Climber; salmon pink, fragrant (M)
'Little Rambler' (Chewramb) Miniature Climber; pale pink, good fragrance (S)
'New Dawn' Rambler; shell pink, fragrant (M)
'Nice Day' (Chewsea) Miniature Climber; salmon pink, fragrant (VS)
'Night Light' (Poullight) Large-flowered Climber; yellow, light fragrance (S)
'Open Arms' (Chewpixel) Miniature Climber; light pink, good fragrance (VS)
'Penny Lane' (Hardwell) Large-flowered Climber; champagne buff, some fragrance (M) Rose of the Year 1998
'Rosy Mantle' Large-flowered Climber; deep pink, fragrant (S)
'Summer Wine' (Korizont) Large-flowered Climber, coral pink, fragrant (M)
'Super Elfin' (Helkleger) Rambler; geranium red, little fragrance (M)
'Sympathie' Cluster-flowered Climber, red, light fragrance (S)
'Warm Welcome' (Chewizz) Miniature Climber; orange vermilion, some fragrance (VS)
'White Cloud' (Korstacka) Cluster-flowered Shrub; creamy white, some fragrance (S)
(VS) = very short (up to 6ft); (S) = short (up to 10ft); (M) = medium (up to 15ft)